Brenda Clark
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our young hero likes everything about Thanksgiving, from eating pumpkin-fly pie to making cornucopias. But what he likes best is having his Grandma and Grandpa share the holiday with him and his family. This year, however, his grandparents are traveling abroad. Thanksgiving just won't be the same without guests...
12) Franklin Goes to School, Franklin Rides a Bike, and Franklin Fibs: Three Classic Franklin Stories
Franklin Goes to School With his new pencil case packed with a ruler, eraser, and a dozen colored pencils, Franklin is ready for his first day of school—until it's time to board the bus. In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin faces the excitement and fear of starting school.Franklin Rides a BikeIn this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin is determined to ride his bike without training wheels, and he can't understand why it seems so
...13) Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, and Franklin's School Play: Three Classic Franklin Stories
Franklin Wants a Pet In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin can count forwards and backwards. He can zip zippers and button buttons. He can slide down a riverbank by himself. He can even sleep alone in his small, dark shell. And ever since he was small, he really wanted a pet. Franklin's Blanket In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero can't go to sleep without his favorite blue blanket. One night he can't find his tattered old blanket
...15) Franklin is Bossy, Franklin Plays the Game, and Franklin is Messy: Three Classic Franklin Stories
Franklin Is Bossy Franklin has lots of friends and one best friend named Bear. They play tag, hopscotch, and ball. But Franklin always wants to pick the game and make the rules. No one wants to play with him—he's too bossy! In this Classic Franklin Storybook, Franklin learns he can't always have his own way. Franklin...
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero goes to the hospital for an operation to repair his broken shell, and everyone thinks he's being very brave. But Franklin is only pretending to be fearless. He's worried that his X-rays will show just how frightened he is inside. With the help of Dr. Bear, Franklin learns that even though he's feeling scared, he can still be brave.
Franklin and the Tooth...
Three storybooks in one: Meet the lovable turtle who inspired the beloved Franklin and Friends TV show!
Franklin in the Dark
In the Franklin Classic Storybook that started it all, poor little Franklin has one of the most common childhood afflictions—he is afraid of the dark. This is particularly difficult for Franklin as he happens to be a turtle, and the darkness he fears is, of course, inside his own shell.
Franklin and his pals are excited for the Halloween party. But things get scary when everyone's favorite turtle suspects there might be an uninvited guest: a real ghost!
This spooky story is one of the original titles in the Franklin children's book series, which features an adventurous...