From the Book - First edition.
A is for Analogy: Finding the general principle 1 --
B is for Belonging: Silencing anxiety and buying in 12 --
C is for Contrasting Cases: Discerning critical information 26 --
D is for Deliberate Practice: Becoming an expert 39 --
E is for Elaboration: Making memories meaningful 52 --
F is for Feedback: Supporting self-improvement 64 --
G is for Generation: Building lasting memories 78 --
H is for Hands On: Recruiting the body's intelligence 86 --
I is for Imaginative Play: Developing cognitive control 102 --
J is for Just-in-Time Telling: Making lectures and readings work 114 --
K is for Knowledge: Essay on efficiency and innovation in knowledge 129 --
L is for Listening and Sharing: Learning more together than alone 140 --
M is for Making: Producing interest and practical knowledge 153 --
N is for Norms: Cultivating the rules of the game 166 --
O is for Observation: Imitating feelings and procedures 180 --
P is for Participation: Getting into the game 193 --
Q is for Question Driven: Creating a reason to inquire 206 --
R is for Reward: Motivating behavior 220 --
S is for Self Explanation: Going beyond the information given 234 --
T is for Teaching: Taking responsibility for others' understanding 249 --
U is for Undoing: Overcoming misconceptions and misplaced reasoning 260 --
V is for Visualization: Inventing structure for complex information 277 --
W is for Worked Examples: Acquiring skills and procedures 293 --
X is for eXcitement: Turning up attention and arousal 305 --
Y is for Yes I Can: Increasing self efficacy 317 --
Z is for ZZZs: Consolidating the memories of the day 331.