Machine generated contents note:
Step 1: Learn What is Normal Memory
Chapter 1: Which Memory Errors can Happen to Anyone of Any Age?
Chapter 2: How Does Memory Change in Normal Aging?
Step 2: Determine if Your Memory is Normal
Chapter 3: What Kinds of Memory Problems are not Normal?
Chapter 4: What Should the Doctor do to Evaluate My Memory?
Chapter 5: When are Special Tests and Evaluations Needed?
Step 3: Understand Your Memory Loss
Chapter 6: Will My Memory Get Better? Which Causes of Memory Loss are Reversible?
Chapter 7: What are Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Subjective Cognitive Decline?
Chapter 8: What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Chapter 9: What is Vascular Dementia?
Chapter 10: What Else Could It Be? What are Other Brain Disorders of Aging Affecting Thinking and Memory?
Step 4: Treat Your Memory Loss
Chapter 11: Which Medications Can Help Memory Loss and Alzheimer's Disease?
Chapter 12: I'm Feeling A Bit Anxious and Depressed by My Memory Loss or My Diagnosis. What Should I Do About These Feelings?
Step 5: Modify Your Lifestyle
Chapter 13: What Foods Should I Eat or Avoid to Help My Memory?
Chapter 14: Can Physical Activity and Exercise Help My Memory?
Step 6: Strengthen Your Memory
Chapter 15: What Can I Do to Strengthen My Memory?
Chapter 16: What Strategies Can I Use to Help My Memory?
Chapter 17: Which Memory Aids are Helpful?
Chapter 18: Will Changes In My Memory Change My Life?
Chapter 19: Where Do I Go From Here?