from The Book I Made with a Counselor My First Week of School 8 --
Second Attempt Crossing 9 --
On a Dirt Road outside Oaxaca 12 --
Pump Water from the Well 16 --
Instructions for My Funeral 17 --
Montage with Mangoes, Volcano, and Flooded Streets 18 --
Pier of La Herradura 21 --
For Israel and María de los Ángeles 34 --
Abuelita Neli's Garden with Parakeets Named Chepito 42 --
I Don't Want to Speak of "Don Chepe" 43 --
How I Learned to Walk 44 --
"Ponele Queso Bicho" Means Put Cheese on It Kid 46 --
Mom Responds to Her Shaming 50 --
Abuelita Says Goodbye 58 --
San Francisco Bay and "Mt. Tam" 65 --
Doctor's Office First Week in This Country 66 --
Seeing Your Mother Again 74 --