Halo! Thanks for Glistening (0:40)
Controversial Poops (1:13)
To Let Yourself Loose Within the Wilds of Wikipedia (3:25)
Get That Hatred Out of Your Heart (1:28)
All That Shit Is Fine Until One Day When It's Not (3:38)
Don't Think of It as Work (The Whole Point Is to Enjoy Yourself) (2:16)
Pineapple Pizza Kind of Love (1:32)
Saturday Night Is Only Once a Week (1:48)
I Am Funny Because of a Small Gap in My Brain (1:52)
Reese's Piece Peace (2:28)
What Would You Do If You Weren't Scared? (2:00)
We've Decided How Bad It Is for Other People That They Cannot Appreciate Our Genius (2:12)
Lonely People Without Much to Do with Their Nights (2:34)
Orange You Glad You Aren't a Banana (1:54)