From the Book - 1st Scribner trade pbk. ed.
I: The little red king. Dan-Tete
Callahan and the vampires
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
II: Blue heaven. Devar-toi
The door into thunderclap
The master of blue heaven
Notes from the gingerbread house
The last palaver (Sheemie's dream)
The attack on Algul Siento
III. In the haze of green and gold. Ves'-ka Gan
Mrs. Tassenbaum drives South
New York again (Roland shows ID)
IV. The white lands of Empathica. Dandelo
The thing under the castle
The castle of the Crimson King
Joe Collins of Odd's Lane
V. The scarlet field of Can'-ka No Rey
The sore and the door (Goodbye, my dear)
The Crimson King and the Dark Tower
Epilogue. Susannah in New York
Appendix. Robert Browning "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came."