"Terminal Nostalgia" / Sherman Alexie Alexie, Sherman 1 --
"Garbage" / A. R. Ammons Ammons, A. R. 3 --
"Soft Money" / Rae Armantrout Armantrout, Rae 23 --
"Wakefulness" / John Ashbery Ashbery, John 25 --
"Bored" / Margaret Atwood Atwood, Margaret 27 --
"Injunction" / Frank Bidart Bidart, Frank 29 --
"Feminine Intuition" / Stephanie Brown Brown, Stephanie 30 --
"Three Oranges" / Charles Bukowski Bukowski, Charles 32 --
"The Life of Towns" / Anne Carson Carson, Anne 34 --
"Self-Portrait as Four Styles of Pompeian Wall Painting" / Henri Cole Cole, Henri 47 --
"Dharma" / Billy Collins Collins, Billy 50 --
"En Famille" / Robert Creeley Creeley, Robert 52 --
"You Art A Scholar, Horatio, Speak To It" / Olena Kalytiak Davis Davis, Olena Kalytiak 55 --
"Our Generation" / Carl Dennis Dennis, Carl 58 --
"Skin" / Susan Dickman Dickman, Susan 60 --
"Desire" / Stephen Dobyns Dobyns, Stephen 62 --
"Difference" / Mark Doty Doty, Mark 65 --
"All Souls" / Rita Dove Dove, Rita 68 --
"How It Will End" / Denise Duhamel Duhamel, Denise 70 --
"The Imagined" / Stephen Dunn Dunn, Stephen 72 --
"Powers of Congress" / Alice Fulton Fulton, Alice 73 --
"Salutations to Fernando Pessoa" / Allen Ginsberg Ginsberg, Allen 74 --
"Landscape" / Louise Glück Glück, Louise 76 --
"Manifest Destiny" / Jorie Graham Graham, Jorie 78 --
"Safe" / Linda Gregerson Gregerson, Linda 84 --
"The War" / Linda Gregg Gregg, Linda 88 --
"Cafeteria in Boston" / Thom Gunn Gunn, Thom 89 --
"Prophecy" / Donald Hall Hall, Donald 91 --
"The Opaque" / Mark Halliday Halliday, Mark 95 --
"Bush's War" / Robert Hass Hass, Robert 98 --
"A House Is Not a Home" / Terrance Hayes Hayes, Terrance 102 --
"The Polar Circle" / Lyn Hejinian Hejinian, Lyn 104 --
"Having Intended to Merely Pick on an Oil Company, the Poem Goes Awry" / Bob Hicok Hicok, Bob 108 --
"Phone Booth" / Brenda Hillman Hillman, Brenda 110 --
"Man on a Fire Escape" / Edward Hirsch Hirsch, Edward 111 --
"In Praise of Coldness" / Jane Hirshfield Hirshfield, Jane 113 --
"In a Quiet Town by the Sea" / Tony Hoagland Hoagland, Tony 114 --
"The See-Saw" / John Hollander Hollander, John 116 --
"Like Most Revelations" / Richard Howard Howard, Richard 119 --
"9-11-01" / Fanny Howe Howe, Fanny 120 --
"Magdalene-The Seven Devils" / Marie Howe Howe, Marie 121 --
From "Urban Renewal" / Major Jackson Jackson, Major 124 --
"Plea for Forgiveness" / Rodney Jones Jones, Rodney 125 --
"So Where Are We?" / Lawrence Joseph Joseph, Lawrence 127 --
"Reading Aloud to My Father" / Jane Kenyon Kenyon, Jane 129 --
"Proverb" / Kenneth Koch Koch, Kenneth 130 --
"Sally's Hair" / John Koethe Koethe, John 131 --
"Facing It" / Yusef Komunyakaa Komunyakaa, Yusef 132 --
"Touch Me" / Stanley Kunitz Kunitz, Stanley 134 --
"Operation Memory" / David Lehman Lehman, David 136 --
"The Return" / Philip Levine Levine, Philip 138 --
"The Autobiography of Khwaja Mustasim" / Amit Majmudar Majmudar, Amit 140 --
"Hell" / Sarah Manguso Manguso, Sarah 142 --
"My Mammogram" / J. D. McClatchy McClatchy, J. D. 143 --
"Past All Understanding" / Heather McHugh McHugh, Heather 146 --
From "The Person She Is" / James McMichael McMichael, James 148 --
"The 'Ring' Cycle" / James Merrill Merrill, James 152 --
"The Stranger" / W. S. Merwin Merwin, W. S. 156 --
"There Will Be Animals" / Thylias Moss Moss, Thylias 159 --
"The Loaf" / Paul Muldoon Muldoon, Paul 161 --
From Muse & Drudge / Harryette Mullen Mullen, Harryette 163 --
"Hate Mail" / Carol Muske-Dukes Muske-Dukes, Carol 167 --
"Q" / Sharon Olds Olds, Sharon 169 --
"The Window at Arles" / Meghan O'Rourke O'Rourke, Meghan 170 --
"I Do Not" / Michael Palmer Palmer, Michael 172 --
"Fretwork" / Carl Phillips Phillips, Carl 175 --
"Samurai Song" / Robert Pinsky Pinsky, Robert 177 --
"A short narrative of breasts and wombs in service of Plot entitled" / Claudia Rankine Rankine, Claudia 178 --
"Ends of the Earth" / Adrienne Rich Rich, Adrienne 180 --
"The Rev. Larry Love Is Dead" / David Rivard Rivard, David 181 --
"Discounting Lynn" / J. Allyn Rosser Rosser, J. Allyn 183 --
"Middle School" / Mary Ruefle Ruefle, Mary 186 --
"Outsider Art" / Kay Ryan Ryan, Kay 187 --
"Switchblade" / Michael Ryan Ryan, Michael 188 --
"Let's All Hear It for Mildred Bailey!" / James Schuyler Schuyler, James 190 --
"Pornography" / Lloyd Schwartz Schwartz, Lloyd 193 --
"The Death of the Shah" / Frederick Seidel Seidel, Frederick 199 --
"Country Western Singer" / Alan Shapiro Shapiro, Alan 204 --
"Country Fair" / Charles Simic Simic, Charles 206 --
"At the Pool" / Tom Sleigh Sleigh, Tom 207 --
"Building" / Gary Snyder Snyder, Gary 209 --
"Asphodel" / A. E. Stallings Stallings, A. E. 211 --
"The Latest Hotel Guest Walks Over Particles That Revolve in Seven Other Dimensions Controlling Latticed Space" / Ruth Stone Stone, Ruth 212 --
From Dark Harbor / Mark Strand Strand, Mark 214 --
"Forty" / Pamela Sutton Sutton, Pamela 217 --
"Bounden Duty" / James Tate Tate, James 219 --
"Elegy" / Natasha Trethewey Trethewey, Natasha 221 --
"Counterman" / Paul Violi Violi, Paul 223 --
"Necrophiliac" / Rosanna Warren Warren, Rosanna 226 --
"Time Pieces" / Rachel Wetzsteon Wetzsteon, Rachel 227 --
"A Filial Republic" / Susan Wheeler Wheeler, Susan 230 --
"This Pleasing Anxious Being" / Richard Wilbur Wilbur, Richard 232 --
"A Hundred Bones" / C. K. Williams Williams, C. K. 234 --
"The Mill-Race" / Anne Winters Winters, Anne 236 --
"American Twilight" / Charles Wright Wright, Charles 239 --
"A Happy Thought" / Franz Wright Wright, Franz 240 --
"Religion" / Robert Wrigley Wrigley, Robert 241 --
"Vespers" / C. Dale Young Young, C. Dale 242 --
"No Forgiveness Ode" / Dean Young Young, Dean 244 --
"Lime Light Blues" / Kevin Young Young, Kevin 245.